The collection of property taxes and the assessment of properties in the Township. Municipal Tax Collectors are licensed officials, governed by the New Jersey Division of Local Government and regulated by New Jersey State Statutes. The general duties of the Tax Office is to collect revenues (taxes) to fund local schools, municipalities, and county governments. Specific functions include collection of taxes, generation of tax bills, enforcement through penalties and interest, redemption's, tax sales, and reporting.
Daryn Cashin
phone: 973-383-1817 ext.14
hours: TBA
Forms can be found on the Forms and Applications page.
Property taxes are due quarterly: February, May, August & November on the 1st day of the month. There is a 10-day, interest-free grace period (we must have your payment no later than the 10th; postmark is not accepted). If the 10th falls on a holiday or weekend, the grace period will be extended to our next business day. Occasionally, the August tax quarter is extended due to budget preparation. If the quarter is extended, a notification will be included with your annual tax bill, which is mailed in July (please note that there is no grace period with an extended tax quarter, and if delinquent, interest will accrue from August 1st).
As a courtesy and reminder, we send delinquent notices immediately after the tax quarter ends to you and to your mortgage company, if applicable. Delinquent interest rates are 8% for the first $1,500.00 of delinquency and 18% for any delinquency over $1,500.00, (the rate then remains at 18% on any amount of delinquency, until the account becomes current). Interest accumulates from the 1st day of the tax quarter. In addition, we impose a 6% year-end penalty on all delinquencies exceeding $10,000.00 at the end of our fiscal year (12/31). When applying payment, we must collect interest first and apply the remainder to the principal (per state statute). If your taxes have become delinquent, whether you are mailing your payment or paying in person, please call our office, as we can provide you with the exact amount to remit to become current.
View or pay your taxes, print a tax bill, or project interest on delinquent accounts to a future date. You can look up by block and lot, name, property address or account number.*
* Please note that previous account numbers will no longer be valid, as we have changed software.
Send your check, along with the appropriate tax “stub” to: Tax Collector, Township of Lafayette, 33 Morris Farm Road, Lafayette, NJ 07848. If you would like a receipt, please enclose the entire bill and a self-addressed stamped envelope for the return of your bill. Please be sure that the amount of your check is correct (not every tax quarter is the same amount!) and never post-date your check….it will be immediately returned to you (by state statute, we cannot accept post-dated checks).
Taxes can be paid at the Municipal Building, Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Make checks payable to “Township of Lafayette.” If paying with cash, please bring the exact amount; we may not have adequate change on hand. Bring your entire tax bill with you and we will receipt it; otherwise, your cancelled check will be your receipt. If for any reason we are not in the office, your check and stub can be left in the exterior drop box, on the left side of the main entrance to the Municipal Building. If you would like a receipt, leave the entire bill with your payment and we will receipt it and return it to you by mail. Payments left in the drop box after 3:00 p.m. will be credited on the next business day. Please do not leave cash in the drop box!
If the tax bill you receive is marked “FOR ADVICE ONLY,” our records indicate that your taxes are escrowed and paid by a bank or mortgage company and we have sent the original bill to them. If your taxes are not escrowed and you are responsible for making your own tax payments, or if your loan is paid off within the current billing cycle, please contact our office so that we can take the steps to remove the bank code from your account and send you the original tax bill in the future. You can then use the “ADVICE ONLY” stubs to submit your payment (see above information on how to make tax payments). If you have received an original tax bill but a bank or mortgage company is escrowing for the taxes, please forward a copy of your bill to them, and ask that they supply our office with a “Tax Authorization” (as per NJ State Statute) so that we can code the tax account correctly.
Applications at Municipal Level (contact our office for applications and further information, or download the applications on the Forms and Applications page.
The State of New Jersey currently offers two other programs for property tax relief:
Jason Laliker
phone: 973-383-1817 ext.13
hours: Thursdays, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Questions regarding property values, assessments, or appeals should be directed to the Lafayette Tax Assessor.
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