Lafayette Township Municipal Offices • 33 Morris Farm Road • Lafayette, NJ 07848 • 973-383-1817

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Lafayette Township Elections

2023 General Elections

Key Dates & Deadlines for the Upcoming General Elections

  • October 28 – November 5: In-Person Early Voting Period
  • October 31: Deadline to apply for a Vote-by-Mail Ballot by Mail for General Election
  • November 6 by 3 p.m.: Deadline to apply for a Vote-by-Mail ballot in person at your County Clerk’s office
  • November 9: Election Day - Polls are open from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Early Voting

The three (3) vote centers in Sussex County and their polling hours are posted on the Sussex County Clerk's website:

The three sites designated as Vote Centers in Sussex County are:
Cochran House Building, 2nd floor, Newton
Sussex-Wantage Branch Library, Wantage
Louise Childs Branch Library, Hopatcong
The Early Voting period for the November 9, 2023 General Election is October 28 thru November 5, with the following hours: Monday-Saturday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Three Ways to Vote this November

How will you vote? By mail? By in-person early voting? Or at your polling place on election day? It's your choice!

Vote by Mail for Unaffiliated Voters

If you are an Unaffiliated (Independent) voter and wish to vote by mail in future elections, State Law requires you to declare yourself a member of either the Democratic or Republican Party. For more information click here to read the Vote by Mail for Unaffiliated Voters Notice.

Candidate Information

The County Clerk's Office website contains candidate information for persons interested in running for elective public office. Information includes:
  • What Type of Candidate Am I?
  • Open Offices/Seats To Be Voted
  • Candidate Petitions
  • Number of Signatures Needed on a Petition
  • List of Voters Who Live in my District
  • Election Dates & Deadlines
  • Filing Campaign Reports with NJ ELEC
The website address is

Voting Information

Voting information can be found on the County Clerk's Office website at:

The New Jersey Voter Information Portal can be found at:

Voting & Election Resources

Election Flyers

The State has made available election flyers on its website: Flyers include How to Vote, In-Person Early Voting, and Become a Poll Worker.

Election Videos

The State has made available election videos on its website: Videos include How to Vote, How to Complete and Return Your Vote-by-Mail Ballot.

Become a Poll Worker

Poll workers can earn $21.44 per hour on in-person early voting days and $300 on Election Day. They will be paid an additional $30 to attend required training. Apply at Pollworker.NJ.Gov

Social Media

The NJ Division of Elections will be sharing posts highlighting our New Jersey elections. Feel free to share anything that they post using #NJVotes.

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